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쇼츠 쿠팡제휴 뜨는곳에 '템플릿 사용'

이라고뜨는데 이건 뭘까요..? 다른 영상에서는 하나도 뜨지 않는데 월요일에 예약 걸어둔 영상에서만 뜨네요 ㅠ 

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놈님의 댓글

이름으로 검색 작성일

YouTube has announced a series of updates for its Shorts feature. Creators can now upload videos up to three minutes in length. The new Shorts player design emphasizes creator content by streamlining the interface. A new templates feature allows users to easily participate in trends. A Shorts trends page has been introduced on mobile devices, showcasing popular trends by country. Users can now customize the frequency of Shorts in their home feed. Additionally, YouTube plans to integrate Google DeepMind's AI model, Veo, for video generation in Shorts later this year.

외국 기사에서 갖고 왔는데, 신규 기능이라고 하네요

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이달의 포인트 랭킹

1 라라랄 350점
2 아라미 200점
3 나디아 170점
4 8c7308bb 160점
5 84270865 145점
6 76f507bc 142점
7 허드7 140점
8 환타2 135점
9 옥탑방히어로 127점
10 브랜디파이 95점


1 유튜브
2 to
3 인스타
4 is
5 the
6 i
7 how
8 of
9 a
10 in